Monday 9 December 2013

Men's Beauty Tip Monday - Shaving Series 1/6

For those of you who have been following my Instagram account @princesshannahs you will know Monday is my Beauty Tip of the Day for Men! 

One thing I thought I would investigate after talking to friends and family was some shaving tips, how to make the process more comfortable, with a lot less irritation and inflammation afterwards, as I found this is one of the main things men struggle with. A painful shave can cause a red inflamed face, and then not being able to shave for a couple of days to allow skin to settle, not ideal if you need to look cleanly shaved everyday for work.

Tip 1/6 Shave Last! 

When you have a bath or a shower, wait until very last minute to shave. This will give the warm moisture time to work on your skin, to open up your pores, and soften the hairs. This will allow the blade to glide across your face instead of dragging and causing pain.

Let me know any tips you have or if this tip helps you.

Hannah x

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